
Introducing the Kresus Affiliate Program

As web3 and crypto continue to gain mainstream adoption, seamlessly integrating wallet connectivity into your dApps is crucial. While users expect easy and intuitive access to web3 services, for developers wallet integrations provide building blocks for creating next-generation blockchain applications.

At Kresus, we’re here to support this ecosystem’s expansion, and working closely with dApps is the most effective way to achieve that. With the KresusConnect SDK, you can take part in the Kresus Affiliate Program, introducing a new user base to your application while contributing to the growth of our shared digital landscape.

Join the Kresus Affiliate Program

Becoming part of the Kresus Affiliate Program is a straightforward process:

  1. Integrate Kresus Connect: Start by adding KresusConnect to your dApp following the steps provided here.
  2. Apply for Kresus Referral Program: After successfully integrating the KresusConnect SDK, you can apply to become a member of the Kresus Referral Program.
    1. Download the Kresus Affiliate Agreement
    2. Fill out and sign the document
    3. Send it via email to [email protected]
  3. Start Earning: Earn $2 for every new Kresus wallet created through KresusConnect on your platform *

* see agreement for full details

If you have any questions or require assistance, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We’re here to help you embark on a mutually beneficial journey with the Kresus Affiliate Program.

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